Great White sharks are among the fiercest and most deadly predators in the world. They are among the few species of sharks that have a reputation as man-eaters. They are some of the most efficient and powerful predators in the world. Here is some breathtaking video footage of great white shark attacks from the series "Planet Earth".
[WARNING: Not safe for small children or people who love seals]
Oh...My...Gosh... I'm so glad I'm not that seal. The sheer power of that thing is incredible. It's no wonder people are so afraid of great white sharks.
Great shots! That thing is HUUGE
Great video, I love your pictures, beautiful :) Sheri
Amazing! I always loved to see those documentaries and those 2 clips are promising. Where can I find the rest of it?
The video is from the Planet Earth series. I bought it for my dad for Christmas last year at Best Buy. I'm sure you can order the whole series online. The whole show is amazing, and just as good as this. I highly recommend it to anyone who loves nature.
I love great white sharks. I may only be 14 years old, but I have swam with dolphins, blue whales, whale sharks, and I have yet to go into a shark cage and watch these magnificent animals. I love them, and I hope one day I get a chance to view them up close and personal with my very own eyes.
That must be incredible to actually get to experience those creatures in the wild. It's breathtaking enough to see some of them in captivity or on a computer screen.
I'm honored to have such an accomplished young diver among my viewers. I look forward to hearing more from a real diver's perspective.
Great white sharks are amazing but I wouldn't be caught dead swimming with them... maybe because I would be dead if I swam with them. HAH! I saw what that great white shark did to that seal. It doesnt look much different than a scuba diver.
I understand where you are coming from. Great white sharks are some of the most deadly predators in the entire world. But, they also rarely attack humans. An average of around 50 shark attacks occur each year in the entire world. Of these, only about 5 are fatal. Sharks don't normally like to eat humans, so they usually leave us alone after taking a bite.
In fact, most cases of shark attacks are cases of mistaken identity. People in wet suits look much like the seals they like to eat. That's why surfers wearing wet suits in great white infested waters tend to be the most commonly attacked.
Great whites aren't something to mess with, but they're no reason to stay out of the water. After all, THE most deadly creatures on earth are humans, and we go out in human infested areas every day.
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